The Chinese beauty market is “going green”

The Chinese market's increasing demand for eco-friendly products has led beauty companies to be innovative and adopt more sustainable solutions to meet the needs of Chinese consumers. Furthermore, China no longer requires beauty brands to conduct animal testing (except for products containing special ingredients such as anti-ageing, sunscreen etc.) making the market more attractive to many brands looking to enter.

Nordic clean beauty brands have a strong advantage in this eco-trend due to its reputation for quality and sustainability. Many Nordic brands are also well-positioned to capitalize on the clean beauty trend, given an emphasis on natural and organic ingredients such as birch sap, lingonberry, and cloudberries, which are unique and not widely available in the Chinese market.

This trend is further fuelled by concerns over pollution and the use of harmful chemicals in personal care products. The demand for natural and organic personal care products in China is expected to grow by 15.5% between 2020 and 2025, indicating a significant opportunity for Nordic beauty brands.

In addition, the trade relations between The Nordics and China have been favourable, with China being the Nordic countries' largest trading partner in Asia. This strong relationship has played a crucial role in facilitating Nordic brands' entry and operations in the Chinese market, making way for potential new and exciting opportunities for collaborations between the countries. By leveraging this advantage, Nordic clean beauty brands can not only expand their presence in China but also explore new partnerships that could further strengthen their position in the Chinese market.

Ultimately, Nordic clean beauty brands have several advantages in the Chinese market due to their reputation for quality and sustainability, unique product offerings, and favourable trade relations. These factors are likely to position Nordic brands well for continued success in the growing Chinese beauty industry. However, it's important to note that the Chinese market is highly competitive, and brands must carefully research the market and develop a solid strategy to succeed in this challenging but promising market.


The Guochao Movement


Clean and Sustainable Beauty in China