We are Empress

Helena Svensson

Helena has a sales, marketing and business development background and has spent the previous 11 years in China helping foreign brands and companies to enter and grow in the Chinese market.

In 2005, she started her China journey in Shanghai to study Mandarin. Today, Helena holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Lund’s University and is fluent in Chinese.

 - I was attracted to the pulse and all the endless possibilities Shanghai was offering during my first years here. When I started to understand the language and Chinese culture a whole new world opened up to me that keeps inspiring me even today.  

Helena has worked within many industries in China such as logistics, air purification, loyalty programs and has spent the most recent years with a big focus on e-commerce and digital marketing for consumer brands.


Emma Hellbom Ajoje

Emma has a background as a Political Advisor within Business and Trade matters, and has for the past few years been working in project management with both consumer and industrial brands who wants to set up their business online in China.

Emma came to China for the first time in 2012 as an exchange student and has since then been living in China for many years. Emma has an MSc in Political Science at Uppsala University and has studied both Economics and Mandarin.

- What made the strongest impression on me during my years in China is how fast the digital development has gone and how the innovative digital solutions have simplified and streamlined peoples’ life.

Emma has helped both consumer brands in fashion, sports, health and interior design as well as B2B-companies with online sales and marketing in China.


Empress Consulting is an independent consultancy firm who specialises in e-commerce and digital marketing in the Chinese market.

We have a big passion for China’s digital development and many years of experience in running Western brands’ e-commerce stores in the Chinese market. We want to share this knowledge with you.

We put emphasis on our customer relationships and our business idea is built on the trust between us, our customers and network, so that you always feel safe when launching your brand in the Chinese market.

We know the digital China and together we make your e-commerce launch in China much easier.