Clean and Sustainable Beauty in China

The clean beauty category presents a thrilling opportunity for both domestic and Western beauty brands in China as young Chinese consumers are becoming more environmentally and health conscious. Although clean beauty doesn't have an official definition in China, it's commonly recognized as products that omit ingredients suspected to be harmful to individuals' health or the environment, such as parabens, coal tar, artificial colours, and fragrances. 

The clean beauty category is particularly appealing to urban consumers, who seek organic ingredients and natural benefits to offset the negative effects of city life, such as stress, polluted air and tap water, and allergies. The COVID-19 crisis has further propelled the trend, as many Chinese consumers are now more health-conscious about their purchases. In fact, as many as 90% of Chinese consumers consider it important to purchase clean or healthy beauty products, which is the highest percentage in the world. 

However, one of the primary challenges for the clean beauty industry is to explain what clean beauty is, as it does not yet have a clear definition. Each brand and retailer may interpret it differently. Thus, it's essential to educate consumers about the importance of clean beauty and the values it represents. To do so, it may be easier for brands to position clean beauty as a lifestyle concept rather than a mere product choice. This approach involves incorporating sustainability and environmental impact into store decoration, packaging design, industry alliances, and creative collaboration and activities. 

Overall, China's clean beauty market has immense potential, and brands that can successfully communicate the value and importance of clean beauty to Chinese consumers will have a competitive advantage in this growing industry. 


The Chinese beauty market is “going green”