STRAT7+ is a global marketing and customer analytics consultancy specializing in customer-centric business growth and transformation.

In order to gain insights about customer preferences and market trends in the Chinese market for its Client – Swedish furniture and home appliances brand IKEA – they reached out to Empress Consulting for local expertise and execution of project.

During the projects, Empress Consulting has performed explorative interview research for STRAT7+/IKEA in the Chinese market which included:

  • Recruiting of respondents based on specific customer segments

  • Conduction and recording of interviews

  • Transcription

  • Compilation and delivery of key findings to Client

  • Project Management

The project resulted in valuable market insights for the Client and a guidance for its product development and communication strategy in the Chinese market.

Responsive, safe delivery, high quality with the little extra and fun to work with!

— Annika Waller, Partner & Senior Business Advisor STRAT7+