CabinAir develops and manufactures integrated and premium air purification solutions for cars, buses, trucks and other vehicles. Established in 2016 as a subsidiary of Blueair, one of the world’s leading producers of air purification solutions for homes and offices.

CabinAir hired Empress Consulting during 2021 to support the sales and marketing team in China and HQ in Sweden with projects related to e-commerce and digital marketing.

The projects included:

  • Strategic marketing plans and budget

  • Matching and evaluation of WeChat partners

  • Brief and project lead for design updates in e-commerce store

  • Communication with existing TP (Tmall partner)

  • Monthly e-commerce store reports

  • Evaluation of e-commerce store performance and TP partner

  • Project lead for e-commerce store transfer in a marketplace

  • Presentations and project plans for partner collaborations

  • Online course about e-commerce and digital marketing in China

The collaboration has helped CabinAir to get a better understanding and insight into the Chinese market which has resulted in new strategies and focus areas for their digital venture in China.

As a start-up, it’s hard to secure all the different competences during the build-up phase. In addition, e-commerce in China is complex, you have cultural differences, practical difficulties due to various firewalls and also language confusion. Then the pandemic happened, which made travels to and from China impossible. With support from Empress Consulting, we have managed to increase our own competence, both here in Stockholm and in the sales and marketing team in China.

We also had a lot of practical support, from managing our TP (Tmall Partner) in the right direction to securing messaging that fits the local market, as our consultant is Swedish but lives in Shanghai and speaks fluent Chinese. Empress Consulting has also helped building bridges between the team in Stockholm and the team in Shanghai.

Due to the pandemic, none of us have been able to travel, we have hired staff that we’ve never met and it’s not always that easy to introduce a brand from a distance. Empress Consulting became an appreciated member of our team, and an absolute necessity for us. Contrary to some other agencies, who wants to make their customers depend on them, Empress Consulting has been very generous with sharing their knowledge and experience with us, aiming for us to be able to manage the basics ourselves.

We are already looking forward to return to Empress Consulting when we’re ready for the next digital step in China!

— Carolina Lindberg, Marketing Manager CabinAir