E-Commerce Launch Checklist

e-commerce shopping china

Considering launching your brand in the Chinese market? Here is a must-do checklist that will get you covered each step of the way:

✔️Market Research – do your homework and do it right! No fast track or hasty decisions. By trying to fully understand the Chinese market, including the digital landscape, consumer preferences, and competition – you will be better prepared.

✔️Business Structure – choose the best sales model for your brand. Setting up a legal entity in China or start with a crossborder model through e.g. Tmall Global?

✔️Platform Selection – China has its own digital platforms. Forget about Facebook or Amazon! Research the platforms and pick carefully based on your target group. Sell on Tmall (China’s largest B2C platform) or Douyin (China’s version of TikTok)? Or start by building brand awareness on platforms such as WeChat, Weibo or RED?

✔️Partnership – partner up with a local agency or TP (Tmall/trading partner). Standalone websites are a no-go in China and to run a store or account on local platforms requires local expertise and operational work.

✔️Localization – no brand will make it far in China without a comprehensive and localized marketing strategy. What works in the rest of the world will not necessarily work in China. Customize your message to resonate with the Chinese consumers and pay attention to language/cultural aspects.


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